Today, we commemorate the work, life, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his family, friends, and team of organizers and supporters. All of whom were propelled forward by a dream, a deep desire for a more compassionate world.
Figures like Dr. King often feel larger than life. We can’t imagine doing what they did in the face of so much fear, anxiety, violence, hate, and discrimination…
I see many who feel his “peaceful protest” based on spiritual values, didn’t go far enough, because after all, here we are, right back where we started, facing the same threats of fear, violence, hate, and discrimination.
But that’s the thing. We are NOT right back where we started. This is not the same world Martin Luther King Jr. marched in. We are living in his dreamscape, on our way to a better reality, founded upon our continued asking for improvement.
I’m not your elder, though I do have some wisdom to share. I see so many young people frustrated by the non-linear and slow rate of change. I, too, was sold Disney-like fantasies of a better world when I was a child.
The better world isn’t coming. Not without our input and our dreaming.
What we resist persists. We are not dealing with a rational, compassionate foe who can be talked off the edge. We are dealing with narcissistic abuse and cult indoctrination on a global scale. As a survivor of narcissistic abuse, I’m all too familiar with the psychological toll, as well as the crazy-making upside-down thinking these people use.
Coming out, largely on the other side of my recovery, I look back at the way we debated with and fed the narcissistic egos on the news, on social media, even in our homes…
We didn’t know we were only offering up supply for the narcissistic ego to thrive. The narcissistic ego loves your confusion and fighting spirit.
What we resist persists and gets louder and louder.
In my own healing, I’ve found solace and power in moving like water.
Every morning, I tune to my Deeper Self and let the waves take me back home to my center. (I’ve created a guided meditation you can listen to every morning to access your own Deeper Self — you can purchase it here.) At first, I experienced this phenomenon where I felt like an intuitive ninja. Often, I didn’t have to assert my boundaries, my Deeper Self would guide me around the narcissists in my life or completely eliminate them from my space and life. I wasn’t trying to avoid them or resist them, I had simply aligned with peace and the Universe started to work on my behalf.
I used to be a Christian many many years ago and we would often pray for God’s intervention and justice. I didn’t really see it back then, but through my spiritual practice, I’ve truly seen Universal forces align and work on my behalf in absolutely mind-blowing ways to protect me.
We are collectively facing a mammoth of a narcissistic conglomerate and it’s spreading… This isn’t a “fight our way through situation,” and I hope it doesn’t come to that as we will only perpetuate more and more karmic violence and trauma in the future. Just as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. realized, we have to lean on a greater ally. One that moves and aligns things for us in miraculous ways…
We must continue to craft and play in our collective dreamscape. We cannot allow anyone to snuff out our light, no matter how hard they blow.
You do not march alone, Gorgeous Soul. Together, we march forward, not into a ready-made brighter day, but a day illuminated by the light each of us carries.
In honor of the life, work, legacy, and dreamscape of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I’m offering an extra 40% off the already heavily discounted Accessing the Deeper Self Somatic Awakening Program:
You are not alone. You are not alone. Together, we stand. Together, we stand. MLK’s dreamscape lives on in all of us. Spiritual protest may not look or feel sexy, but the Universe can do so much more than you can even imagine… Join the Movement – Access Your Deeper Self.
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