The Spring '24 Season of Accessing the Deeper Self is now open for early enrollment...

Hi Gorgeous Soul, I feel the call to open our Spring season early and offer bonus group coaching and live healing sessions to support you through this time of political upheaval and strain. I know we are all facing challenges that our Deeper Self is here to guide us through. I firmly believe in the power of this work to guide, protect, and uplift, as I have seen the effects in my own life. I'm deeply honored to be guiding you as you too learn how to access and co-create with your Deeper Self. As you'll see, the program cost is actually $100 less, despite the addition of the bonus sessions, and in fact, I've added bonus WEEKLY group coaching sessions for the Spring, as the need is here. I'm looking forward to this season of discovery and expansion. Let's dive in: 

Bonus Pre-Season Sessions!

Live Guided Meditations & self-soothing classes

Tools to release stress and regulate your nervous system

Group coaching calls

Expert guidance on your toughest challenges

Self-care rituals 

Nurture yourself and others as we gather in community

The bonus pre-season sessions come to you at no additional charge. Register Now to Get Access.

Accessing the Deeper Self

Discover the mode of being that allows everything to flow with ease


Your Deeper Self gives you access to a naturally elevated state of joy, intuition, abundance, and wellbeing.

Aligning with your Deeper Self is more effortless than you think.

The secret is not changing your thoughts, it’s changing your mode of being. Access the Deeper Self.

an approach to alignment that works with the mind & body to access the soul

Your (ego-)mind and your thoughts are not the enemy to peace and easeful manifestations. Your mind is simply the messenger. The thoughts you are experiencing are a direct result of your point of attraction. When you switch from the fear-based Assessing & Analyzing Mode and blend with your Deeper Self, that point of attraction changes drastically. The thoughts, experiences, and feelings you get access to will blow your mind away... 

Join the Accessing the Deeper Self Live Webinar Series to get access to trauma-informed, somatic-based, pleasure-rich, deeply attuned tools and techniques to experience the joyful potency, healing power, and wisdom of your eternal self: 

Accessing the Deeper Self

Discover the mode of being that allows everything to flow with ease


expand & Transform

Join 10 live webinars to illuminate & nurture your connection to your Deeper Self

While you're never truly separated from your Deeper Self, it sure can feel like you are. Let's bridge the gap together. 

Heal & integrate

Learn how to masterfully navigate difficult emotions, limiting thoughts, and find your way home to you

You are not your thoughts or your trauma response. You are Deeper Self that resides within. It's time to set yourself free from them mental cage. 

deepen & revel

Purchase the All-Access Pass to receive the Accessing the Deeper Self Meditation Bundle ($150 bonus) & EIGHT group coaching sessions

Your All-Access Pass gives you access to: 
  • Access the Deeper Self - Guided Morning Meditation 
  • Sensing Infinite Wellbeing - Guided Meditation 
  • Ease & Abundance - Guided Meditation 
  • Gliding Through Triggers & Triggering People - Guided Exploration
  • Resonating with Your Love Match - Guided Meditation (for people in existing relationships & singles looking to attract love)
  • EIGHT Live Group Coaching Sessions with Yanique this Spring
  • Special Seasonal Discounts & Offers 

Live Webinars


Guided meditations


Group Coaching sessions


all-access pass





Bonus pre-season sessions



Feel the shift.

There is a distinct difference between bracing against the mind and our reactions to the world, vs being at ease with the mind, understanding its purpose, and using it to effectively navigate our world and life experiences so that we can manifest our desires.

In this webinar series, I want to help you understand your mind a little better, so that you can have greater access to peace, joy, and wellbeing.

Every piece of self-development and spiritual work you've done has prepared you for this. You are ready to cross the threshold and blend with this magnificent aspect of your being. And I promise, you don't have to fight with your mind or ignore your hurts and emotions to get there.  These are all sources of information and access points that will connect you back to your Deeper Self. Allow me to light the way...

Accessing the Deeper Self

Get access to all live webinars, lifetime access to replays, and $2,875 in bonuses.


pay monthly

Psstttt, Take advantage of this deal and still pay in installments using AfterPay!


6 monthly payments of

pay in full


pay in full & save $200

select plan


11 monthly payments of


early registration deal! Save $200 when you pay in full

Bonus pre-season sessions!

Feb. 8 at 11:00 AM ET


Ground & Nourish - live ritual to ease anxiety

Learn two grounding exercises to stabilize an anxious mind


Feb. 11 at 5:30 PM ET


at ease with love - live guided meditation

The Heart is alive, conscious and wise. Come home to love.


Bonus Group Coaching Call #1 

Feb. 13 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



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all-access pass

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Feb. 18 at 5:30 PM ET


You have already arrived 

A teaching on the progressive now to help you find peace in the pursuit of social reform.


Feb. 25 at 5:00 PM ET


Sunset walking bliss meditation

Practice the art of presence and soft, pleasurable focus.


Bonus Group Coaching Call #2

Feb. 27 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



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all-access pass

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Mar. 4 at 5:30 PM ET


Self-Soothing chest massage & Somatic Release

Learn how to release stress, tension, and emotional pain from the heart space and fill up on love.


Mar. 11 at 5:30 PM ET


seeding the collective dreamscape

Weave your energetic thread into the collective dreamscape.


Bonus Group Coaching Call #3

Mar. 13 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



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all-access pass

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Spring 2025 Webinars

webinar focus

date & Time

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*Purchase of this ticket includes invitation to the live webinar & 48-hour access to the replay. For lifetime replay access, pay a higher contribution or purchase the All-Access Pass. 

Introduction to the Deeper Self: The Many Aspects of You

Mar. 26 at 5:30 PM ET


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all-access pass


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We hold within us many identities (and each year, we explore new ones). But, at your core, who are you really? While identities shift, alter, transform, and dissipate, is there a You that is steady, constant, and sure? If there is such an aspect of you, what is it's nature? Does it too exist in multitudes? Does it change and evolve or remain frozen, existing above time and space? The series begins with an introduction to the many aspects of you, how they are created, and how they integrate with the Deeper You. 

Introduction to the Deeper Self: Opening the Deeper Senses

Apr. 1 at 5:30 PM ET



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In order to perceive from the Deeper Self, we have to open our senses again. In this session, you'll be expanding your somatic awareness and learning how to feel on a deeper level. If you've felt numbed out, shut down, or overstimulated, you'll learn how to soothe your way back to a feeling of openness and aliveness. Your mind will find ease again, as you journey into the body and restore your natural connection to your senses. 

Group Coaching Call #1 

Apr. 3 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



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Meeting the Deeper Self: Your Fear as a Portal

Apr. 8 at 5:30 PM ET



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all-access pass

Fear is a cumulative emotion. The longer we sit in it the more it grows. Fear is like an internal "Stop" sign. When we feel it, we can run the stop sign or slow down and get stuck in it. Even when we whiz through fear, it comes up again and again... Is there an alternative to ignoring it completely or feeling blocked by it? In this session, you'll learn a new technique for moving beyond fear and into security and deep knowing. It's not your fear that's stopping you. It's your fear of the fear. Fear is an awareness, a product of an aspect of you that feels insecure and isolated from your Deeper Self. You can either feel the fear, pause, and never move forward, or you can step through the portal and finally reveal what's on the other side...

Group Coaching Call #2

Apr. 10 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



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Meeting the Deeper Self: Sensing in the Void

Apr. 15 at 5:30 PM ET



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all-access pass

When you consciously travel through the portal of strong fear, it opens up to the Void. But there are other routes to this Cosmic Womb. What initially feels like terrible nothingness, or a wound in the Universe, reveals itself to be so much more... This is the backdrop of all that is. There is much to be learned in the Void. Join this session to sense your way through the Void and experience the power of your focus.  

Group Coaching Call #3

Apr. 17 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



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Meeting the Deeper Self: You are Aware

Apr. 22 at 5:30 PM ET



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all-access pass

You are awareness. A focal point in the Universe that is in quantum superposition. In other words, you are both here and everywhere. Most of us go through life, focused in on the vantage point that is "you in a human body." But you can rise above the mental fog and detect another You, an awareness that is aware of it's own awareness. Join this session to further explore the awareness that is you and how your asking can bring anything into focus. 

Group Coaching Call #4

Apr. 24 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



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Apr. 29 at 5:30 PM ET


Tending to the Mind: The Inner Child - Recovering Your Essence 


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Traditional "inner child work" focuses on reconnecting to the inner child — the aspect of self created in childhood — and guiding this aspect of self back to a sense of safety, security, and belonging. This is beautiful, healing work, but I would like to invite you deeper. The wounded inner child, much like the aspects of you that are fearful and wounded in present day, is disconnected from your Deeper Self. When we invite the inner child to return to this connection, a profound shift happens: Every version of you realizes that there is no worthiness wound to begin with. Join this session to journey with your inner child to recover your original soul essence.

Group Coaching Call #5

May 1 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



May 6 at 5:30 PM ET


Tending to the Mind: Healing Resentments - Letting People Off the Hook


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How do we come to terms with abusers, wrongdoers, and the ways we have been mistreated? Can we maintain our boundaries, hold others accountable for their actions, and still remain in a state of loving connection to the Deeper Self? This session is especially impactful for those who are in trauma recovery, specifically CPTSD recovery and/or recovering from abusive relationships like narcissistic abuse. Once we've progressed through the stages of shock/depression, anger, rage... we can reach a state of resentment. We feel that our innocence and a part of our light has been taken from us and we resent the abuse or circumstance for causing this diminishment. But when we're in a state of resentment, we're still in a state of disconnection and disempowerment. You might even come to resent the resentment because you know deep down... there's something profound that you're not seeing about this experience... Let's take a look through the eyes of your Deeper Self... 

Group Coaching Call #6

May 8 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



May 13 at 5:30 PM ET


Tending to the Mind: Healing Limitations - Letting Money Off the Hook


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Fears of financial insecurity can overwhelm us, regardless of our actual bank account balance. We use money to define whether or not we are free. But money isn't what sets us free. You can have a lot of money and still feel bound and stuck. Freedom, abundance, and security are feelings. You want more than just dollars, you want to feel tuned in to the power and freedom of your Deeper Self. It's time to let money off the hook and take off your shackles. The Universe wants to deliver so much more to you than what you can even perceive from the mind of limitations... Join this session to explore the true nature of freedom and abundance. 

Group Coaching Call #7

May 15 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



May 27 at 5:30 PM ET


From the Perspective of the Deeper Self: What is Love?


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Love is experienced differently by the different aspects of you. From the human perspective, we think of love in terms of attachment and attraction. Love, from the vantage point of the Deeper Self, however, is not based on strong contrast: attach/detach, attract/repel, hold/let go. Love just is. Love is the nature of the Deeper Self. There is no perception outside of love. And the Love of the Deeper Self allows all to be what they are, without the push/pull of attachment. In the eyes of the Deeper Self, all are held gently with Love. Join this session to experience the true meaning of Unconditional Love.

Group Coaching Call #8

May 29 at 11 AM - 1 PM ET



Jun. 3 at 5:30 PM ET


Blending with the Deeper Self 


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By the end of this series, you may be feeling the emptiness of the old way of being. Your connection to your Deeper Self has opened up your senses in all directions... you feel the immensity of your Being and the endless joy and pleasure this Universe has to offer. You no longer think it's a good idea to tune in, you want to tune in and stay tuned in as much as possible. You're not just curious about your Deeper Self, you're in awe and in love with this Deeper You... The mind/ego isn't erased when connecting to the Deeper Self. In this final session, we will explore the "blended self" that is birth forth from the Void in direct response to your desire for more.

meet your coach & guide

I started my professional coaching journey in the world of Tantric Intimacy Coaching. As The Pussy Queen ®, I help women heal their relationship to their bodies and restore feeling and orgasmic pleasure to places that feel numb and void. But over the years, through my own self-practice, I had a series of revelations that were amplified by the contrasting difficulties I was experiencing in my own life and relationships. These experiences gave me access to a part of me I had only felt glimpses of before and had previously confused as something "other."

In one spectacular moment of meditation, I recognized that this Beingness was not other, it was not an angel or divine being visiting me, it wasn't even the god/goddess within... it was me. Intuitively, I began referring to this aspect of self as ME as it offered no other name and didn't feel like just "Yanique." After three years of deepening my meditation practice and getting acquainted with this aspect of self, I'm delighted to introduce these teachings on the Deeper Self (what I know as ME and what I know you possess as well).

The lessons I've learned from my ongoing coaching practice and the Tantric tradition are woven into these teachings. Fellow healers and Tantra-enthusiasts will recognize an appreciation for the wisdom of the body, an emphasis on pleasure, and a deep reverence for all that is. And my hope is that all will feel a recognition of self, a remembering that... this is ME.

hi gorgeous!

yanique bell

the pussy queen

thank you for being here. let's explore:

Join us now!


Your journey has called you inwards and you feel like you’re on the cusp of something massive... but you’re not sure how to take the next step… 

have you answered the call?

step into the bigness of you

Accessing the Deeper Self

Get access to all live webinars, lifetime access to replays, and $1,875 in bonuses.


pay monthly

Psstttt, Take advantage of this deal and still pay in installments using AfterPay!


6 monthly payments of

pay in full


pay in full & save $200

select plan


11 monthly payments of


early registration deal! Save $200 when you pay in full

"Before working with Yanique, I felt very disconnected from my body and my inner voice and felt I was stuck in Limbo, unclear about my goals and desires and forcing and struggling a lot. Feeling constant stress and anxiety paralyzed my actions.

Yanique helped me reconnect to my body, actually being able to hear my inner voice and listen to my intuition, while quieting down and accepting the voice of fear and understanding what she was telling me. 

Yanique always made me feel seen and heard and clearly managed to make sense out of the mess in my head, clearly identifying where to poke and to show me how to dream big and make those dreams reality. 

Now, I actually know how to deal with blockages and overwhelming emotions now so that they don’t run the show, while slowly letting go of perfectionism and control. My greatest lesson was that when I show up as myself I hold the most love, appreciation, gratitude and worth."

Lara R, Germany

"My biggest breakthrough is in the amount of pleasure and joy I'm now open to receiving and experiencing. I discovered how much resistance I was putting in the way, which showed up in all areas of my life."

Jaci W, USA

"Yanique is not only full of knowledge and wisdom, she brings this to you in such a peaceful and guided way. Her meditations are super intense and designed for you to safely talk to the issue, trauma, or old belief system that is holding you back.

The insights I received from our sessions last with me every day. I became aware of some of my triggers, and now I’m able to see them differently, overcome and learn through them!"

Sara A, Canada

The Deeper Self is the eternal, ever-present awareness that breathes us all. 

what is the deeper self?

You can never be entirely separate from your Deeper Self...

You can never be entirely separate from your Deeper Self, but it's this very feeling of separation that creates suffering. The experience of fear, insecurity, negative thoughts, trauma, and pain can cause the mind to focus in on the painful experience and lose focus on the Deeper Self… but the Deeper Self never loses focus of you. 

You are always held in a soft, gentle love. 

Your current habits of thought and feeling reflect the degree to which you’re finding resonance with your Deeper Self, but you don’t have to change all your thoughts and feelings or change your life history to tune in.

Just tune in and your thoughts and feelings will change.

The Deeper Self is the eternal, ever-present awareness that breathes us all. 

what is the deeper self?

Your soul's wisdom and all your creations are realized and made real through your alignment with your Deeper Self.

at The Heart of this approach:

Access a naturally elevated state of joy, intuition, abundance, and wellbeing.

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© 2025 Live love be evergreen llc | Intimacy & empowerment coaching by Yanique bell


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